Channel: Michiel Rook, Author at Michiel Rook's blog
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Training sessions and talks


One of the things I like most about my work is the ability to help teams improve, by sharing my experiences and knowledge in training sessions. These sessions can be conducted in the form of interactive workshops or talks. I’m offering training sessions on DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Event Sourcing, Microservices and many other topics. Contact me […]

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CQRS & Event Sourcing in the wild (PHP Benelux 2017)

The Road to Continuous Deployment (PHP UK Conference 2017)

Phing development update


A few months have passed since the last Phing development update in October, so here’s an overview of some of the recent changes. Releases Phing 2.16.0 was released on December 22nd, 2016. Details of this release can be found in the change log. Barring any significant issues (that trigger a patch release), this release will be the last in […]

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The Road to Continuous Deployment (JAX DevOps London 2017)

The Road to Continuous Deployment (DevOpsPro Vilnius 2017)

State Of DevOps Report


The 2017 version of Puppet’s State of DevOps Report was just released. To me, the most interesting takeaways from the report are: High performing teams have 46x more frequent deploys, 96x faster mean time to recover/repair and a 5x lower change failure rate. They also automate significantly more work (automation is a key ingredient of any […]

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Using annotations in Prooph


One of the things I love about Java is its native, compiler-level support for annotations, a form of syntactic metadata which can be applied to source code but also retain at run-time to influence application behavior. I use them almost daily in my projects. I do a fair amount of consulting and development on event […]

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Using Tracking processors to replay events in Axon Framework 3


Replaying events is a crucial part in any event sourcing / cqrs application, to rebuild projections, generate new ones or seed external systems with data. I’m a big fan of the Axon Framework. Even with its quirks and occasional (strange) bugs, it’s my go-to toolbox for my event sourcing & cqrs consulting and development work. […]

The post Using Tracking processors to replay events in Axon Framework 3 appeared first on Michiel Rook's blog.

Forget me please? Event sourcing and the GDPR


In May 2018, a new piece of EU legislation called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect. The GDPR attempts to regulate data protection for individuals within the EU and has very interesting and specific implications for applications that use event sourcing. In this article, I’ll discuss my thoughts on this subject […]

The post Forget me please? Event sourcing and the GDPR appeared first on Michiel Rook's blog.

Upcasters or a versioned event store: pros and cons


In a previous article, I wrote a few things about upcasters. One of the significant downsides when implementing an upcaster is that it adds to our application’s technical debt. An alternative technique is the versioned event store (or versioned event stream), where the existing event store is copied and modified. In this post I’ll discuss […]

The post Upcasters or a versioned event store: pros and cons appeared first on Michiel Rook's blog.

2017 Conference Season – It’s a wrap!


As my flight touched down at Schiphol Airport early this morning, I realized that that landing marks the closing of my 2017 conference season.  And what an awesome season it has been! I’ve been a part of these incredible conferences: PHP Benelux PHP UK JAX DevOps London DevOpsPro Vilnius CodeMotion Amsterdam Continuous Lifecycle London International […]

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Event sourcing and the GDPR: a follow-up


My article about the implications of the GDPR for event-sourced applications that I published last week generated a sizable number of responses, suggestions and comments (most of them on Twitter). All of which are appreciated of course! In this post I’ll list the most interesting comments and try to respond to them. 1. Removing data […]

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CQRS & Event Sourcing article published in PHP Architect


This month an article I wrote for PHP Architect, called “CQRS & Event Sourcing in the Wild”, was published in the December 2017 “Talking Code” issue. The article deals with some of the challenges when dealing with change and versioning in an event sourced context. I wrote about compensating actions, upcasters, versioned event stores and […]

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Rebuilding projections in Axon Framework 3


CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) allows you to have separate models for reading and writing. Combining that pattern with Event Sourcing leads to a powerful capability: updating query (read) models, based on events. In real-time or rebuilding them from an existing collection of events. This post focuses on such projections, in applications that are built on […]

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A typical CI/CD pipeline explained


Recently, I was asked on Twitter if I could give some pointers for reading material on (production) CI/CD pipelines – what they look like, and how they work. I decided to shed some light on this by describing a typical CI/CD pipeline (from my perspective), in a series of tweets. This article is an expansion of […]

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Leadership books (English and Dutch)


Earlier, I wrote a post about literature (books, articles, etc.) on Continuous Delivery and DevOps. As I’m currently developing a new talk on Effective Leadership (in the context of Agile/DevOps environments), let me share a few books (in English and Dutch) that helped me or that I reference in this talk. English Leadership Books Turn […]

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Binnenkort treedt de AVG (GDPR) in werking!


Vanaf 25 mei 2018 is de Europese privacyverordening Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG, ook bekend als General Data Protection Regulation of GDPR) van toepassing. Deze verordening gaat over de ‘bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en betreffende het vrije verkeer van die gegevens’. Belangrijke onderdelen van de verordening zijn het recht op inzage en correctie […]

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Soon the GDPR will take effect! Are you ready?


As of May 25th, 2018, the European privacy regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect. This regulation concerns the ‘protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data’. Important parts of the regulation are the right to access (and correct) of personal data […]

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The Road to Continuous Deployment (All Day DevOps 2016 Recap)


In 2016 and 2017, I gave a series of talks titled “The Road to Continuous Deployment: a Case Study”, detailing some of the work I did in 2015 together with the team at De Persgroep Employment Solutions. At DPES, we significantly improved time to market, quality and delivery speed by implementing Continuous Delivery. In the […]

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